Our Manufacturers
Connexions (Sari Product Manufacturer)

ConneXions provides training and job opportunities to young women from slum communities in Kolkata. Through manufacturing work, women find dignity and are empowered to improve the quality of their lives.

This product represents the restoration of one woman's life. By purchasing this product you are becoming part of her success story. Thank you!

The ConneXions Vocational Training Center got started in 2002 with 6 young underprivileged women from the slums. After a six month training in sewing and making paper craft products, they were working on orders; and getting paid on a piece rate. In a small production unit they continue to produce beautifully hand crafted greeting cards and gift bags. Connexion now employs over 150 people and is continuing to grow.

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Freeset Bags (Jute Bag Manufactuer)
Freeset is a fair trade business offering employment to women trapped in Kolkata's sex trade. We make quality jute bags and organic tee-shirts, but our business is freedom!

We would like to see the 10,000 sex workers in our neighborhood empowered with the choice of leaving a profession they never chose in the first place.

Freeset is located in Sonagacchi, the largest, most infamous sex district in Kolkata, India. Within a few square miles more than 10,000 women "stand in line" selling their bodies to thousands of men who visit daily. Many are trafficked from Bangladesh, Nepal and rural India. For others poverty has left them without options. The cries of their hungry children drive them to sell their bodies.

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Conserve India
Born of a desire to reduce India's mountain of waste, improve energy efficiency, and help some of Delhi's poorest out of the city's slums, Conserve India achieves all this by turning plastic bags into high fashion.

Conserve started as a fledgling recycling project but quickly adapted to confront the biggest challenge it was facing – what to do with the thousands of plastic bags that could not be composted or recycled locally.

After much experimentation, the Conserve team hit upon the idea of not recycling, but upcycling by washing, drying, and pressing the bags into sheets. Handmade Recycled Plastic (HRP) was born and designs for handbags, wallets, shoes and belts quickly came flooding in. The challenge was obvious: Use high fashion to support better lives for the poorest and a cleaner environment for all.

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